How to supplement your paycheck during COVID-19 w/ remote gigs

Matt Morfopoulos
2 min readMar 23, 2020

I’m not going to sugar coat this. Corona Virus sucks and it’s not just making people sick. People are going out of work FAST!

Businesses that rely on face to face interactions are closing down in the name of quarantine, leaving their employees jobless.

That’s why we have to look at other options for work that let us stay in quarantine and supplement our incomes during these crazy times.

Have you thought of looking for remote work online?

You may be unfamiliar with how it works, but there are countless jobs online for freelancers to find jobs, make decent money, all from their computers.

After working side hustles remotely for about a year, I thought that finding jobs and building up a network online was common knowledge. I was dead wrong. When quarantine went into effect I had to consult friends and loved ones on the process of finding remote work online. Their employers were suspending work, their businesses were going under after years of operating, which left many of them looking for work online.

That’s why I made this 5 step guide on how to start looking for remote work online.

Hopefully, to shed some light and help people supplement their income during this time, I made this 5 part guide on how to get started finding and getting remote freelancer jobs.

Side note: Feel free to text me at this number if you have any questions along the process -> 9182057851

I’m always happy to help!

<Onward to section 1: Where to start looking for remote jobs>

<Onward to section 2: Optimizing your Upwork profile account>

<Onward to section 3: Getting your first remote gig>

<Onward to section 4: Effectively pitching yourself for gigs>

<Onward to section 5: Why you should get off freelancer websites>

